Porn addiction is considered a behavioral addiction that is characterized by an ever-growing compulsion to view pornographic content or material (Leah Miller). Our treatment plan for porn addiction is mainly based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ("CBT") approach, specifically looks at things that trigger emotional discomfort and the desire to escape through compulsive porn use and sexual fantasy. In general, CBT works on the assumption that it is thoughts that govern behaviour. Therefore, thinking in a different way will lead to changes in behaviour. Depending on the complexity and client's commitment toward the treatment plan, we expect to see improvement and recovery from porn addiction after 5 to 10 sessions.
Through the counselling sessions, we help client to identify and minimize triggers, to refute the distorted thoughts that give permission, and to interrupt the automated behavioral sequence that leads to viewing pornography.
We believe that structured assignments and careful self-observation by the client will guide client on the path to recovery.
The goals of the treatment are:
i. Build internal realisation and intensifying the experience of pain caused by the addiction
ii. Build an awareness of client's addictive patterns based on their cognitive pattern (permissive thoughts?)
• List common triggers
• List all the thoughts one has that give permission to view pornography
• Describe how the reaction sequence feels, physically and emotionally
iii. Identify ways to short-circuit this pattern, and work on an action plan that involves building new habits that result in new methods of activating dopamine circuits
• Preventing Triggers
a. What was the trigger?
b. How predictable was it?
c. How can I prevent it in the future?
d. What can I do if it occurs again?
• Challenge the Permissive Thoughts
a. What new permissive thoughts did I have?
b. How can I practice more effective refutations?
• Overcoming the Automated Behaviour (reaction sequences)
a. When was the earliest time the reaction sequence was detectable?
b. What can I do in the future to interrupt it at the earliest moment?
c. What symptoms of the sequence can I use as markers to step up my planned response?
iv. Test the plan to reduce porn use
v. Review and look for possible insight